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Evaluate sensitivity maps using Optimal Transport indices


ot_indices_smap(x, y, M)



A matrix or data.frame containing the input(s) values. The values can be numeric, factors, or strings. The type of data changes the partitioning. If the values are continuous (double), the function partitions the data into M sets. If the values are discrete (integers, strings, factors), the number of partitioning sets is data-driven.


A matrix containing the output values. Each column is interpreted as a different output.


A scalar representing the number of partitions for continuous inputs.


A matrix where each column represents an input and each row represents an output. The values are indices between 0 and 1 computed using ot_indices_1d().


N <- 1000

x1 <- rnorm(N)
x2 <- rnorm(N)
x <- cbind(x1, x2)

y1 <- 10 * x1
y2 <- x1 + x2
y <- cbind(y1, y2)

ot_indices_smap(data.frame(x), y, 30)
#>           x1         x2
#> y1 0.9447637 0.04822535
#> y2 0.3288496 0.29606240